Wags & Whiskers Wednesday – Submission Guidelines

Wednesday has become the most popular day on the blog – because that’s the day we feature YOUR felines and Fidos!  Wags & Whiskers Wednesday is fun for us – we get to see how adorable all our readers’ pets are!  WWW (as we like to call it around here!) is fun for you too – your pet will be famous and you can pass along the link to all your family & friends.

How do you get your furbaby featured on our fabulous blog?  It’s easy!

**Email submissions to blog@wagsandwhiskershouston.com.  Make sure to include your pet’s name…and feel free to include any information to help us get to know your pet better.  (“That’s Bella with her favorite toy!” or “Baxter loves his bed!”)

**Do you have a pet blog of your own?  Follow us on Twitter?  Sell treats on Etsy?  Be sure to include that info too!  We would love to give you a shout out (and get more info about you!  Once we know more about you, we’ll realize how awesome you are and might want to feature you in a future post!)

**We try to include all submissions in the next Wednesday’s post, but sometimes we just get too darn many!   We will send you an email to confirm we received your pic and another email with the link once your puppy or kitty goes viral.

**Once you send us your pic, we have the right to use it to promote the blog and Wags & Whiskers Wednesday.  This means using it on Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, and our website (among other social media sites.)  Don’t worry – we aren’t going to do anything crazy!  But we might think your pup is so cute we want to feature him again.

The best part?  This give you an excuse to look through all those old, adorable pictures!  So find the pic packed with the most cuteness and send it on over to blog@wagsandwhiskershouston.com.  We can’t wait to see them!!

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